Monday, 28 July 2014

Cool Mind Reading Tricks - For Beginners

Everyone would like to be able to read minds and have psychic powers. This page will allow you to unleash your psychic powers and perform amazing mind reading magic tricks. Powerful secrets are revealed to allow you to discover the secrets of today's most successful magicians. Learn from these powerful free mind reading secrets.

Use your new powers wisely and do not reveal the secrets. Derren Brown, David Blaine and Criss Angel are a few of the magicians who have performed this kind of magic on television. Now you have the opportunity to learn free here.

Mind Mimic

Effect : In this baffling routine the magician asks a member of the audience, a series of questions, a lot of them that are unique to that person. The spectator is asked to write each answer on a piece of paper and place the piece of paper in glass.

At the same time, the magician is seen to be concentrating deeply and writing his prediction on a separate piece of paper which he also puts in another glass. After the last question has been asked, the magician's predicted answers are compared with the spectator's answers and are found to be the same. This can get an amazing reaction from the audience as the magician is seen to be able to read thoughts

Method: The spectator is asked a series of questions and asked to write them on a piece of paper and place the piece of paper in a glass. After each answer has been placed in the glass by the spectator, the magician asks the spectator what answer they had given. The magician acknowledges that he had also predicted that answer and placed it in his glass.

Really, the magician writes the spectators answer one question behind. The spectator has told the magician, the answer to the last question asked which the magician will write and put in his glass after asking the next question. When the first question has been asked and the spectator reveals his answer, the magician has placed his supposed prediction in another glass at the same time. What he has actually written on his paper is "carrot " which is the most probable answer to the final question that the spectator will be asked shortly.

This will allow the magician to write each answer as the spectator reveals it. The spectator will be unaware that the magician is writing his answers one question behind. Take out the papers from the glasses and pair up the answers. Stand back and watch the amazed expression of your onlookers.

Example Questions :

Spectator's Answer
Magician's Answer
1) What is your favorite football team?
Manchester United
2) Who is your favorite music artist?
Britney Spears
Manchester United
3)Favorite Color?
Britney Spears
4)Favorite Car?
5) Name a vegetable

You should find that most people will choose carrot as their choice of vegetable, however this will not always be the case. If they choose another answer then the audience will still be impressed that you have predicted the other answers.

Telepathic Telephone Directory

A spectator is asked to call out a three digit number, which is written down. Another spectator is asked to make certain calculations with the numbers, and announce the result. He is then asked to look in the telephone book at a page and name indicated by the results and concentrate on the name at that number. The magician concentrates, deeply and announces the name that the spectator has been concentrating only. Has the magician really read the spectator's mind?

How Its Done:

Before staring this trick, turn to page 108 in the telephone book and count down to the 9th name on the page. Write this name on a slip of paper and seal it in an envelope.

Ask someone to call out a three digit number, or have three different spectators each call out a one digit number. Write this down in plain view, on a slate or large sheet of paper.

Invite another spectator to come up to make some calculations. For example, suppose the number was 653. Ask him to reverse the number (356), and to subtract the lower number from the higher:

653-356 = 297

Ask him now to take the result (297), reverse it, (792) and add the two together:


The answer will always be 1089, no matter what numbers are used. If only two figures result from the subtraction, be sure to add a zero at the left, such as 079.

Now the spectator who is holding the telephone book is asked to look on the page indicated by the first three numbers, 108, and to count down to the name indicated by the last number, 9.

The spectator is asked to concentrate on the name on the page and the magician appears to be concentrating also to try and read the spectators mind. After a short time, the magician announces the name that the spectator has been concentrating on. This is quite convincing mind reading magic. The trick can be varied by this method. Write the name to be chosen on a piece of paper which is then placed in an envelope and the envelope is then sealed.

The spectator is presented with this envelope at the beginning of the trick which he is told, contains the magicians prediction. At the end of the trick, he is asked to open the envelope and announce the prediction.

This trick can be improvised on by using a dictionary, thesaurus or other type of book. A lot of the entertainment value depends on the magicians performance, so get practicing for that acting award!
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Saturday, 12 July 2014

Know Your Brain - This Is How Your Brain Thinks

Ever wonder how your brain processes information? or how your brain thinks?
Here in this video, you will learn how our mind thinks and will demonstrate the two main systems of Fast and Slow Thinking in your brain.

Recommended book for further reading Thinking, fast and slow
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Sunday, 6 July 2014

Re-Program Your Subconscious Mind to Get What you Want [Video]

Your subconscious mind holds approximately 97% of the of your brain's processing power and scientists will tell you that the power of the subconscious mind is perhaps a million times greater than the conscious mind.

That's why it's critical to get your subconscious mind onboard when you're trying to make something happen in your life.

In this video you'll learn from Dr. Cathy Collautt, a meta physician and manifesting consultant, about the 5 steps you can take in your life to get your subconscious mind on board with your conscious goals, and in turn get anything you want.

Step 1 is that after you recognize what the resistance you are having is, you need to stay humble.

Step 2 is to get specific and really narrow in on what your subconscious mind is looking out for. You'll interview your subconscious mind and really get into to the details.

Step 3 is that you need to make a promise to work things out with your subconscious - not to work against it.

Step 4 is to dowse your subconscious mind with positive examples and case studies of people whose lives have improved as a result of getting what you want. The point here is to let the subconscious mind know that it's possible to satisfy all sides of your heart and mind.

Step 5 is to solidify and affirm. The more you ingrain your new perspective in your subconscious mind, the most you can capitalize on its power and its resources to facilitate and execute toward your goal on your behalf.

According to Dr. Cathy Collautt, it's not about fighting yourself to get what you want. It's about gentle introspection and really looking within to the tools that already exist inside of us and have the power to catapult us into anything we truly want in life.

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Friday, 4 July 2014

Can You THINK OUT OF THE BOX - Mind Trick Games

Here is a mind game, in which you need to think out of the box. If you can...

Lets test your mind. Rules are :

  1.  Draw 9 dots, as shown in the image.

  2.  Your task is to go through all the dots, using only 4 straight lines.
  3. Next line has to Start where Last the one Ended.
For Example :

Try it before scrolling down. If you can't, then view the solution in the video below.


If you LIKE THIS then PLEASE SHARE, give a Plus 1, your every action is appreciated. Keep visiting for more Cool Mind Tricks and Mind Games.

Good Bye :) , see you in the next post.

Over and Out.
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Thursday, 3 July 2014

How to Persuade People

It's time to talk about the psychology of persuasion. A few years ago researchers approached houseowners and asked them to place a huge sign saying 'Drive Carefully' in their front gardens. Everyone refused.

The researchers then approached a second group, and asked them to place a samll 'Drive Carefully' in their gardens. Almost everyone agreed. Two weeks later, the researchers asked those in the second group to replace the small sign with the large one, and an amazing 76% of people accepted.

Psychologists call this the 'foot in the door' effect - agreeing to a small request makes people far more likely to then agree to a much bigger one. So, if you want to persuade someone to do something, start small and before moving big.

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Here I will post all different ways to trick people, tricks to play on friends, psychological working of mind, how people think, some cool mind games, magic tricks, illusions, card tricks and lots more Cool Mind Tricks that will make your Life Supper Easy.

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